Kapiti Economic Development Association KEDA

Tim Parry – Districtwide

Tim Parry – Districtwide

The growth of Kapiti and environmental issues require careful management. The biggest opportunity over the next 5 years is seamless access from Otaki to Wellington via expressway/gully motorway. The obvious threat as population exponentially grows is infrastructure stress. Work and planning done to date should ensure the district can cope through the 2020’s. There are however some tough decisions to be made regarding leaky buildings. I believe short term priorities should include a rebuild of the community centre.

Our coastline is our signature and must be defended. Climate change is making storms bigger, more volatile and more often. Coastal Management currently takes 1.3% of operating expenditure. Factoring an increase to 2% as an expected ongoing cost would be both prudent and realistic.

Economic growth is best achieved by developing an inclusive strategy working with both central government and the regional council. Excellent work has been done to date in getting Kapiti accepted as eligible for the provincial growth fund. As for encouraging private enterprise to establish themselves on the Kapiti Coast it will again come back to ease of getting about. In 5 years the new roading will be bedded in, rail stock will be upgraded and thanks to Air Chatham we have a functioning airport. To be able to say, one can go wherever they want from Manawatu to Wellington inside an hour, is a significant advantage.

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