Kapiti Economic Development Association KEDA

Have Your Say in the Kāpiti Economic Development Strategy refresh

Have Your Say in the Kāpiti Economic Development Strategy refresh

The Kāpiti Coast District Council is refreshing its Economic Development Strategy. The timing could not be better as it offers the opportunity to align the Provincial Growth Funds projects  with specific Economic Development goals for the region.  

The Strategy Refresh is meant to be based on consultation with the community. The Council is currently organizing workshops with community stakeholders and businesses. Concurrently, the Council is welcoming the broader community’s feedback through a survey. Additionally, any suggestions or comments can be sent directly to the Council via email: eds@kapiticoast.govt.nz

Take the survey herehttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G8BNL6V?fbclid=IwAR0XlJe9WkbheYY65V6XZv0834UUJ4juVs6v3iuojNldLC_GPGKnxyLniT0

Read the full announcement on the Council’s newsletter here: https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/Our-District/Economic-Development/kpiti-economic-development-strategy-refresh—have-a-say/?utm_source=Everything+K%C4%81piti&utm_campaign=f5422c20f9-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_12_09_32_COPY_03&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_98afb008ae-f5422c20f9-62095085&fbclid=IwAR2PYvPmhPfACzzycx0VL4oNjEUQYze8zRbFkH4mFv0t4io6bFfpJxPXVNA

Find the current Economic Development Strategy here: https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/contentassets/5b107a3e3d42410b8244d537b983fa96/economic-development-strategy-2015-18.pdf


Your questions and comments are always welcome. Reach out to KEDA here:

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