Project Description and Objectives: To introduce indoor and outdoor vertical gardens to the Kapiti Area and beyond. To increase sales from my business. I aim to sell at least one large custom made frame or 6 small frames per week to enable me to cease working for someone else.
Why this project is of benefit to Kāpiti?: Once my business is up and running with consistent sales, I would like to introduce a community element. This would provide a place where people with a range of disabilities can come and enjoy learning about plants, growing seeds, propagating, planting and looking after container plants.
Skill Gaps: I have a very good knowledge of plants and propagation, how to plant up the frames and care for them. My husband has a degree of wood work skills who I can call upon if required. Gaining knowledge of how to connect with suppliers and negotiating wholesale prices would be helpful.
Learning more about networking would also be welcomed, as stepping into this world seems daunting, however, I know that this could significantly help increase business contacts. I am considering joining Toastmasters to help with my confidence.
I would welcome advise in the future on setting up the community aspect and how to apply for grants to set this up.
Project Owner Name: Kirsty Glasgow
Contact Phone Number: 027 497 9384
Email Address: